Sandy Lebrun-Evans - Living Yesterday Today
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Sandy LeBrun-Evans has photographed 150th Civil War Reenactments in Virginia and Maryland which have occurred over the past four years (2011 through 2015). It is like stepping back in time as Sandy has captured the people reenacting the Northern and Southern soldier Living Yesterday Today.
The men, women and children who reenact the daily lives and battles of the soldiers on both sides of the Civil War or War Between the States spend their own money to enter the reenactments, buy their uniforms, tents, food and travel (some even bring their horses and canons) to make the history lesson we all learn by watching so very educational. They will stop and talk to you and impart history lessons you never learned in school. They love sharing the history with you the visitor.
What draws me and my camera to the reenactments are the early mornings as they have prepare breakfast, children play, officers make plans for the battle, soldiers drill and then they break camp and march and/or ride to the battle ahead.
Print Information
Sandy creates all of her images using archival inks and papers, using archival mats for framing.
Photographs are offered in different sizes. Prices will vary depending on image size, framing and if numbered prints.
Please contact Sandy for more information.
Sandy LeBrun-Evans
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