Sandy Lebrun-Evans - Hard Truths: McDowell County, WV

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Sandy’s photographs represent her 2016 trips through the county of McDowell in West Virginia capturing the remains of the demise of the coal industry and the empty promises of “jobs, jobs, jobs” by politicians.

West Virginians are proud, hard working people who are extremely loyal and have deep love for their state.   They have watched the mines close, the mountaintops cut off and the land timbered, yet when they see a coal truck on the highway, they cheer because there is work.


Print Information

Sandy creates all of her images using archival inks and papers, using archival mats for framing.

Photographs are offered in different sizes.  Prices will vary depending on image size, framing and if numbered prints.

Please contact Sandy for more information.


Sandy LeBrun-Evans


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