Below is an overview of member responsibilities and obligations. Additional details are provided during in-person interviews with MEG members.

Membership Status

Successful juried applicants are welcomed into MEG as non-voting, Provisional Members for six months. Provisional Membership is conditioned upon agreement to accept MEG Bylaws, Policies and Procedures, and conditions of our lease with the City of Alexandria. At the completion of the provisional term, a member who receives three-fourths (3/4) of the MEG membership vote is granted Full Member status with equal rights and responsibilities. In accordance with MEG bylaws, during the six-month probationary period either party (Provisional Member or MEG), may decide to sever the membership agreement at any time, for any reason.


MEG members pay monthly dues to cover rent, utilities, Torpedo Factory Artists' Association dues and insurance (currently $150/month, subject to change). Rent is due three months in advance, so newly juried members submit $450 in rent at the start of the six-month probationary period. Newly juried members are assessed a one-time initiation fee of $400, with half payable upon joining as a Provisional Member and the remaining half due upon acceptance as a Full Member. (Note: This amount is returned in full to any Provisional Member who leaves MEG, for any reason, during the six month probationary period.) Gallery sales are subject to a 15% commission. On very rare occasions, MEG members may vote to enact an assessment to finance major capital improvements (e.g. gallery bins, gallery lighting, etc.).

Gallery Staffing

In accordance with the Torpedo Factory Art Center calendar, MEG is open every day of the year except New Year's Day, Easter, Independence Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. MEG members are obligated to share equally in gallery staffing responsibilities. Currently, each member’s staffing obligation is about two days per month. However, if at any time MEG does not have a full complement of members, or the Torpedo Factory is open additional days, MEG members are obligated to share equally in any extra staffing responsibilities so that our lease obligation is met. Staffing signups take place online at a set time on the 1st of each month for the month two months hence (e.g. Feb 1 for April). On their staffing days, members may choose to be at the gallery from 10am-5pm or 11am-6pm.

Active Participation

Maintaining the gallery as a viable ongoing business entity requires committed effort from every member. Members are expected to attend monthly business meetings on the first Monday of each month from 7-9pm (dates and time subject to change). Currently, these meetings are typically held by Zoom, with in-person meetings taking place once per quarter. MEG has four board positions (President, VP, Secretary and Treasurer), and several committee assignments (i.e. social media, outside shows, tech support, etc.), that must be filled annually. All members are expected to volunteer and contribute in meaningful and substantial ways to the ongoing maintenance and operations of the gallery.


Gallery exhibitions currently run for four to six weeks, with a mix of one or two-artist exhibits and group shows. Each year MEG mounts between five and seven one-artist or two-artist exhibits. These exhibits are limited to MEG members and are either self-curated or curated by an individual chosen by the artist. MEG members are expected to mount a one-person or two-person (member’s choice) exhibition approximately every two years.

MEG also hosts three to five group exhibits each year. Some group exhibits are limited to MEG members only; others may be open to photographers beyond MEG’s membership. MEG members are expected to participate in all MEG member group exhibits (e.g. December Holiday show, annual collaborative show, etc.). MEG is required to obtain jurors from outside the Torpedo Factory for five (5) exhibits per year. Except on rare occasions, juried shows are hung at the discretion of the juror with no requirement to hang work from each member. If an image is included in a juried group show, it cannot be resubmitted for another juried group show for at least twelve (12) months.

Individual Bins/Oversize Bin

Each member is provided a bin to display photographic work up to 20”x24” in size. Bin pieces should be produced using archival materials, such as pigment inks and acid-free mats, backing boards and packaging. MEG provides a single oversized bin for matted work that does not fit inside individual bins. Interested members may put up to three matted pieces in the oversized bin.