New Exhibit: Alan Sislen - "Tonal Visions"

©Alan Sislen

©Alan Sislen

Multiple Exposures Gallery is pleased to present new work by Alan Sislen in the exhibit “Tonal Visions”. This exhibit will be on view from May 7 - June 15, 2019. An opening reception will be held on Saturday, May 11th,   2 - 4 pm .

TONAL VISIONS - An Exploration of Structure and Tones

For generations, photography has been described as being all “about the light.” it’s more accurate to say that it’s all about the Light, the Shadows and all the Tones in-between. Tonalities are the language of photography and help communicate the photographer’s intent and the shape, dimension and structure of what’s being photographed.

These highly graphic, black and white architectural images explore the range, quality and beauty of tones that might or might not have existed, but were nonetheless visible in the mind of the photographer.

Each photograph presents only a portion of the structure, but it conveys more than if everything had been presented. The tonalities determine how our eyes and minds travel around and through the images. They attract our attention, determine where we stop to explore and where we find beauty, mystery or uncertainty.

Removing elements within the photographic frame before releasing the shutter often increases, not decreases the importance of what remains. The architect, as artist, designs the whole. As photographer, I had the luxury to choose which elements of the architect’s total creation to showcase and to either accept the tonalities as they were, or to create what I wished had existed.

-Alan Sislen

©Alan Sislen

©Alan Sislen

©Alan Sislen

©Alan Sislen
