THERE AND BACK | Maureen Minehan | April 09 - May 19, 2024

Geometric ©Maureen Minehan

THERE AND BACK, a solo exhibition of photographic art by Maureen Minehan reflects Maureen’s ceaseless desire to explore the beauty inherent in solitude. Through her artistic vision, she portrays isolated landscapes not as desolate or forsaken, but as sanctuaries where quietude reigns supreme, and narratives yet untold await discovery.

THERE AND BACK travels the familiar terrain nestled between the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean, pausing to ponder what often escapes notice amid the race from city to shore (and back again). Within the quiet isolation of oft-ignored landscapes, solitary structures stand as silent witnesses to the hurried throngs, and secluded roads and empty tracks hint at passage to bygone eras.

The exhibition also traverses the shoreline that serves as the destination for so many. Amid the summer bustle, Maureen finds moments of peace in the rhythm of solitary waves and long expanses that stretch empty save for a few kindred souls. In each frame, solitude beckons, inviting viewers to embrace the stillness.

View the Exhibition Virtually: THERE AND BACK

Additional Information
Show Ready: An Interview with Maureen Minehan

Exhibition dates: April 9 - May 19, 2024
Exhibition hours: 11am-5pm daily
Location: Multiple Exposures Gallery | Torpedo Factory Art Center | #312

Contact Information For Media & Purchase Inquiries
High resolution images for media use are available upon request. All images are available for purchase through the gallery.