Russell Barajas - Composite

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Composite functions as both a noun and a verb. It is a thing made up of various parts, and it is also the act of joining these elements.

It has always seemed to me that we humans, too, are both the objects that have been composited by nature and at the same time are the ones destined to stubbornly cobble ourselves together out of many components.

This ongoing series plays with how we engage in coupling, adding, subtracting and reforming our own individual compositions.  


Print Information

These images are silver gelatin prints, using traditional darkroom methods. The hand-applied color is oil-based, and the collaged elements were adhered with archival glue or in some cases, tape.

Each image is one-of-a-kind, printed on 8” x 10” fiber-based paper.

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More Portfolios by Russell Barajas

Keeping Up

Secret Lives of Trees