Questioning the Photograph | Sarah Hood Salomon | May 21 - June 30, 2024

Timber © Sarah Hood Salomon

The photographic sculptures in QUESTIONING THE PHOTOGRAPH began as trees on properties that are about to be developed — the trees will soon be destroyed. In response to their imminent destruction, Salomon purposefully scratched, cut and puréed her images. The photographic remnants were then covered with resin to form sculptural objects. The original images are unrecognizable and can’t be reconstructed, just as landscapes altered by humans can’t be reassembled. 

Salomon’s photographs and sculptures are a celebration of woodlands, but she also feels great sadness about the changes humans bring to our planet. She hopes this work will help others become more aware of the beauty and fragility of the forest and its inhabitants.

View the Exhibition Virtually: QUESTIONING THE PHOTOGRAPH

Artist Information
Instagram: @sarahhoodsalomon

All images are available for purchase through the gallery by inquiring at